Steps for Using Consentium IoT's OTA Service

Step 1: Prepare the OTA-Capable Sketch

  1. Create an OTA-Capable Sketch: Write an Arduino sketch for your ESP32, ESP8266, or Raspberry Pi Pico W that includes OTA functionality.

  2. Set Firmware Version: Ensure the FIRMWARE_VERSION variable is set to "0.0". This indicates the initial firmware version. You can update this to any version number as needed, but 0.0 is used here for demonstration.

    #define FIRMWARE_VERSION "0.0"  // Initial firmware version

Step 2: Upload the Sketch to the IoT Board

  1. Connect the Board: Connect your IoT board to your development machine using a USB cable.

  2. Upload the Sketch: Upload the OTA-capable sketch to the board using the Arduino IDE.

Step 3: Access the Consentium IoT Cloud

  1. Log In: Log into the Consentium IoT Cloud.

  2. Navigate to Device OTA: Go to the Device OTA page. You should see the OTA-capable device listed with its current firmware version displayed.

Step 4: Prepare the Updated Firmware

  1. Disconnect the Board: Ensure the IoT board is no longer physically connected to the development machine.

  2. Update the Sketch: Make any desired changes to your code and update the FIRMWARE_VERSION variable to "0.1" (or any new version number).

    #define FIRMWARE_VERSION "0.1"  // Updated firmware version
  3. Export the Compiled Binary: In the Arduino IDE, go to the Sketch menu and click on Export Compiled Binary. This action generates a .bin file for the updated firmware, which will be saved in a folder under your project directory.

Step 5: Upload the New Firmware

  1. Upload the .bin File: Return to the Device OTA page in the Consentium IoT Cloud.

  2. Select and Upload: Choose the generated .bin file and upload it to the appropriate board.

Step 6: Verify the Update

  1. Check Firmware Versions: After the update is pushed, verify that the Current and Board Firmware Versions are the same to confirm the update was successful.

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