Consentium IoT Platform usage

Steps to Set Up Your Board and Send Sensor Data

1. Sign Up

  • Visit the Consentium IoT website and create an account.

  • After completing the sign-up process, verify your email to activate your account.

2. Log In

  • Once verified, log into your Consentium IoT account using your credentials.

3. Create a New Board

  • Navigate to the dashboard.

  • Click on the "Create Board" option. You’ll see a pop-up to input board details.

4. Add Board Details

  • Provide the following details:

    • Board Name: The name of your board (e.g., Temperature Sensor).

    • Board Description: A short description of what the board will do (e.g., This board will monitor room temperature).

    • Send API Key: A unique API key will be generated for the board.

5. Access API Documentation

  • After saving the board, click on the "API Documentation" button.

  • This will provide detailed instructions on integrating with the platform.

6. Copy the Send API Key

  • From the "Authentication API Key" section, copy the Send API Key.

  • This key will be used to authenticate sensor data transmission.

7. Use in ConsentiumThings Code

  • Paste the Send API Key into the appropriate field in the ConsentiumThings send sensor data code.

  • Similarly, copy the Board Key (also generated) and paste it into the code where required.

Following these steps will allow you to successfully create a board and begin sending sensor data to the Consentium IoT platform.

8. Install the Consentium IoT library

To install the Arduino library for Consentium IoT services on ESP32, ESP 8266 or Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontrollers, move over to Arduino's Library Manager and search for ConsentiumThings.

Last updated